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Securely view diagnostic images and reports on your iPad with MobileRad.
Go mobile with NovaPACS
NovaPACS goes mobile by bringing its DICOM viewing technology right to your iPad with the new Novarad MobileRad app for radiologists specialists, and referring physicians.
MobileRad enable secure viewing of patient reports key images, including comparison to prior studies. Now you have the freedom to access diagnostic reading and referring to physician functions anytime, anywhere. MobileRad supports all modalities and maintains the integrity of full-screen viewing.
In addition to Mobile for the iPad, Novarad's Lite Viewer allows viewing of images and reports from any enabled mobile device.
Novarad's MobileRad Radiologists Viewer app is an iPad application that Radiologists can download from the Novarad website to view and manipulate patients' images and view diagnostic reports.
Radiologists can use the MobileRad app for consultations in patient rooms, second opinion consultations, reviewing studies and reports from multiple locations,etc. Referring Physicians can also download the MobileRad app are not compressed or lossy; the MobileRad app supports images in JPEG 2000 lossless format.
How it works
The MobileRad app will connect directly to the user's NovaPACS server using an SSL (secure sockets layer) connection over the internet. Users can access patient studies and reports from ant location as long as they can connect to their server. Information and images are not cached on the iPad; information is pulled directly from the NovaPACS server that is being used.
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