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NovaOrtho is Novarad's complete PACS solution for orthopedics
Create a more efficient workflow that enables you to profitably assist more patients
NovaOrtho is a complete Orthopedic PACS that gives orthopedists unique tools for specialised viewing, templating, and pre-op planning.
Save money - quick ROI
View images anytime, anywhere
View images on your mobile device
View images in patient room
Import CDs with one-click
Route images from your PACS to anywhere
Receive images from anywhere
Dictate right into the system
Auto transcriptions and distribution in 60 seconds
Key Features from PACS Integration
Receiving Images
Ability to launch directly from NovaPACS worklist, improving your workflow
Click to burn CDs or export studies to removable storage
Complete ortho role, giving you the features and functionality you need, allowing you to save the manage preferences
Advanced functions and features
Analog and digital templating
View images on computer and iPad
Pre-op planning tools and reports
Automatic alerts
Archive on-site and in the cloud
Precise measurements
Cobb Angle
Radial Angle
Spine Labeling
Radial Length
Ulnar Displacement
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